Ginga e Kickoff! 26

This episode features a thin girl, an out of shape coach, and some shouta tsundere action.

HD MKV ->!!%20-%2026%20(1280×720%208bit%20h264%20AAC)%20%5B47F08128%5D.mkv.torrent

DDL ->

Ginga e Kickoff! 25

This episode features futsal, a competent GK, and gaijins everywhere.

HD MKV ->!!%20-%2025%20(1280×720%208bit%20h264%20AAC)%20%5B66938D89%5D.mkv.torrent

DDL ->

Fall 2012 Anime Power Rankings

God Tier
1) Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!
2) Sword Art Online

Awesome Tier
3) Psycho Pass
4) Little Busters!
5) K
6) Polar Bear Cafe
7) Space Brothers

Triumverate of Shoujo Tier
8) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
9) Kamisama Kiss
10) Sukitte Iinayo

Great Tier
11) Zetsuen no Tempest
12) Btoom!
13) Medaka Box Abnormal
14) Robotics;Notes
15) Girls and Panzer
16) Aikatsu

Not Bad Tier
17) Magi
18) Busou Shinki
19) Ixion DT
20) Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

MFW Tier (Aka dropped)
21) Code Breaker
22) Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne
23) Teekyu
24) Shinsekai Yori

Have Not Seen Tier
25) Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
26) Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de