Ginga e Kickoff! Status and other info.

Episode 29 – TL done. Timing done. Encoding done. Needs Typesetting.
Episode 30 – TL done. Timing done. Encoding done. Needs Typesetting.
Episode 31 – TL done. Needs timing.

We only do translation for Ginga – the rest is up to Oyatsu. Their typesetter ran into some real life issues but should be able to catch up on the typesetting by Sunday. Sorry for the delays.

Maceart edit – We’re currently looking for a raw of the Doraemon 2012 movie. If someone has it, please send us an e-mail or a pm.


We were interviewed by the folks over at Anime-Outcast. Take a listen.

Wait until the entire thing loads and then click on the seek bar to the spot right after the pause button.

Scripts and Fonts

If you need any scripts, just e-mail Maceart or Ladholyman at doremi.fansubs (at) for them.

Doremi-fansubs completed series scripts will be available here in Maceart’s Skydrive:!Ao0U91f81iK7gfgGuIHd9LXnYcdMoA

Fonts are located in each anime’s folder.