Server outage over the next few days
Just to inform you folks, the server will be going up and down sporadically over the next couple of days while I do some updates and general housekeeping.
For you Canucks out there- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Yep, it’s thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada. Hope my fellow Canucks have a happy and safe one! ๐
IRC Bot Blues
Yeah… I’ve been neglecting updating the chan bot with the latest stuff. I’ll get that worked out this weekend. Lots of stuff going on at home and work. XD
Edit: Holy cow! This is a new record, thanks folks. Server bill has been paid.
Howdy folks,
Think this is the first time I’ve done this… but it seems that I forgot to pay the server bill and it’s coming up on September 15th… XP
Problem is, yours truly is broke after having his basement flooded over the weekend and having to pay for it to be pumped out and my insurance company is dragging their feet about paying up. I don’t get paid until the 17th… so yeah. Suffice to say… no donations… no server. -.-;;
Sorry guys, I blew it this time around and I’m feeling like a total moron about it. Seeing as the cost is ~$70 Canadian.
Check below for copy of my invoice:
New Layout
Howdy folks!
Mike here with some news, you’ve probably noticed the new layout. Still needs a few tweaks here and there and I’ll get around to adding Onpu to the logo soon.
Let me know what you think! :laugh:
Yet another hiccup
Howdy folks,
Sorry for going MIA again. Had to roll back the server to the 26th of May backup due to an update gone awry and taking out the local backups, so all I had was a weekly backup from a few days ago… things are working once again though!
Site Changes
Howdy folks,
Mike here. You may have noticed that site may be responding quicker now. I’ve had to change hosts because our old one was starting to have frequent ‘technical issues’ or rebooting the server we were on on a regular basis.
Anyway, I’m now running on a machine that’s located a bit closer to home for me too. So if there’s any major issues, I can get to the datacentre in person and deal with it locally. Also, a major bump in RAM helps too.
Site Hiccup
Sorry about the site having issues again. I did some changes to the server config to help memory usage and processor load.
Server Woes
Howdy folks,
Mike again. Sorry for the site going AWOL for the last few days, but something seemed to have corrupted on the server and I had to re-upload everything. There might be a few hiccups here and there, but the main guts of the site are working again.
Sorry again! (and I didn’t break it this time!)
Edit: You’ll have to re-upload your avatars and whatever sigs you may have had.