Hatsune Miku Final 39’s Giving Day in Tokyo 2012.03.09 Blu-Ray
The second day of the awesome Hatsune Miku 2012 concert from the Blu-ray.
Full 1080P, 8bit softsubbed release. Should be able to run on anything that can use DXVA.
Maceart’s Top 3 Picks:
1) Tell Your World (The best song in the concerts by far.)
2) Yume Yume
3) Two-faced Lovers.
Ladholyman’s Top 3 Picks:
1) Tell Your World
2) World’s End Dancehall
3) The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku
Honorable Mention:
1) MEIKO also being a badass.
HD 1080P MKV -> https://nyaa.si/view/354310
Script – > http://www.mediafire.com/?x9j7ub824vkqyuj